Ukraine Escalates Attacks Against East, Ditches Ceasefire at Crash Site Army Artillery Shells Dental School, Kills Civilian
18 Ukrainian Soldiers Killed in Fights With Eastern Rebels 54 Wounded in Multiple Fights With Rebels Across East
Ukraine Military Reaches Rebel-Held Donetsk, Attacks Suburb Powerful Blasts Reported as Civilians Flee Onslaught
Pentagon Wants to Send Troops to Ukraine for ‘Counterterrorism’ Training No Decision Yet on Sending 'Lethal Aid'
US Senators Push for Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine As World Pushes for Ukraine Ceasefire, US Looks to Escalate War
Germany Pushes Broad Plan to Settle Russia-Ukraine Dispute Deal Would Recognize Crimean Accession Into Russian Federation
Heavy Fighting: Ukraine Attacks Areas Around MH17 Crash Site Rebels Accuse Ukraine Military of Trying to Destroy Evidence
Pentagon Develops Plan to Help Ukraine Attack Rebel Missiles Would Give Ukrainian Troops 'Precise Information' on What to Attack