Pakistani Military Kills At Least 52 in Khyber Attack Offensive Aimed at Defending Key US Supply Route
The Quest For a Grand Zionist Coalition Netanyahu Hopes for "Unity Government," but Can He Keep Everyone Happy?
India: Mumbai Attackers a Creation of Pakistani Spy Agency Pakistan Urges Patience as Indian Rhetoric Ratchets Up
Poll Shows Hamas Gained Popularity Since Gaza War Neither Hamas nor Fatah Particularly Trustworthy, Most Palestinians Feel
Israel Seizes Gaza Aid Freighter: No Arms Abroad, Aid Not Delivered Archbishop of Jerusalem Captured, Sent to Syria
Parties Call for Deal With Swat Valley Taliban MPs Say Military Operation Useless, Only Deal Can Restore Govt Control
Clinton Warns Iran to Comply With Demands Secretary of State Vows 'Consequences' If Iran Doesn't Cooperate
Pakistani Taliban Frees 30 Police After They Promise to Quit Their Jobs As Taliban Influence Grows, Swat Valley Security Forces Increasingly Giving Up