Russia: US Training Former ISIS Fighters to Destabilize Syria Military Chief Sees US Base at Tanf as 'Black Hole' for Militants
US-Led Coalition Won’t Target ISIS in Syrian Govt Territory Gen. Gedney: Syria Lets ISIS Move With 'Impunity' Through Their Territory
US-Led Coalition Now Says Less Than 1,000 ISIS Left in Iraq, Syria Figure Down From 3,000 Estimated Just Three Weeks Ago
US Touts Escalation, but ISIS in Afghanistan Far From Defeated ISIS Forces Remain Active Despite Repeated Claims of Being Wiped Out
US Warplanes Fire Warning Flares at Russian Jets Over Syria Russian DM: Jets Were Escorting Humanitarian Convoy
US-Supplied Arms Often Ended Up in ISIS Hands ISIS Got Advanced Missiles, Other Arms From US Smuggling Scheme
ISIS Is Gone, But Iraq’s Main Refinery Remains in Ruins Locals Say Promises, But No Effort to Reconstruct Area