Copter Shot Down in Afghanistan, Raising NATO Toll to 28 for June Just Over a Week in, June Shaping Up to Be Very Deadly
UK Commander: Afghan Police Alienating Locals, Fueling Insurgency Exit Strategy Depends on 'Credible, Trusted' Police
US Raids West Kandahar as NATO Reels From Latest Attacks Growing Doubts Over Kandahar Mission, But US Has No Backup Plan
After Kabul Attacks, Fears Taliban Is Focusing on Targeting NATO Are Bold Attacks Start of a New Trend?
40,000 NATO Troops in the West Bank? Abbas, Sarkozy Say Yes "Huge" Military Presence Would Guarantee Demilitarization of Region
Five US Troops Killed as Convoy Attacked in Afghanistan 12 Civilians, One Other NATO Soldier Also Slain in Bombing
Afghan Police Kill Protester Condemning US Night Raid Hundreds of Protesters Stone Government Buildings