Concerns Over Special Forces May Stall Already Limited Iraq Pullout Military Insists Support Will Be Provided, But Won't Say How
Clinton: Russia Could Join Missile Defense System Talks With Lavrov to Focus on Disarmament, But Missile Shield Remains a Bone of Contention
Supreme Court Dismisses Case on Indefinite Detention of Legal Resident Lower Court's Ruling Void, But Court Declares Issue 'Moot'
Rival Candidates Urge Karzai to Resign With Election Delayed Past End of Karzai's Term, Opponents Feel Karzai Should Resign for Interim Govt
Lieberman Demanding ‘Full Autonomy’ as Foreign Minister Yisrael Beiteinu Chief Seems a Lock for Netanyahu's Foreign Minister
Clinton Proposes Afghanistan Conference, Then Presses for Iran’s Inclusion Netherlands Asked to Host Conference, Kai Eide Would Chair It
Clinton Calls for Fresh Start in NATO-Russia Ties Secretary of State Says NATO Must Never Recognize South Ossetia, Abkhazia
Obama Calls for Crackdown on Defense Spending Waste "Days of Giving Defense Contractors a Blank Check Are Over"
US Claims Evidence Growing of Syrian Nuclear Cover-up Official Cites IAEA Report, Demands Syrian Cooperation