Back-to-Back Killings Between US-Afghan Forces Billions of dollars continue to be spent on the failed training mission
Iran May Agree to Snap UN Nuclear Inspections An Iranian official also said their nuclear program's expansion may be halted in exchange for lifting of sanctions
Panetta Hopes Israeli General ‘Correct’ That Iran Won’t Develop Nukes Panetta acknowledged again that Iran has not yet decided to develop nuclear weapons
Philippines-China Standoff Could Lead to Open Conflict Washington's imperial policies in the Asia-Pacific region have only exacerbated tensions
Domestic Drone Use Slips Through Congress With Little Lobbying Opposition The military contractors have much to gain from proliferation of drones in US airspace
Explosion in Hama Kills 70, Prompts Call for UN Action Western powers are quietly pushing for a Security Council Resolution authorizing intervention
Obama Approves CIA Request to Kill Unidentified Individuals in Yemen Drone War The murderous strategy in Yemen is fast creating significant blowback
Foreign Oil Corporations Vie for Libyan Oil as New Government Takes Shape New contracts and production will begin after June elections on a national assembly
US Judge Refuses to Dismiss Charges Against Bradley Manning Manning's defense lawyers particularly objected to the charge that he "aided the enemy"
Panetta: Iran Influence in South America Is ‘Terrorism’ Washington has intervened in South America and the Middle East, but Panetta didn't go red