Poll: Majority of Israeli Jews Would Support Apartheid Regime in Israel About a third of the Jewish public - and 70 percent of the orthodox community - would support barring Israeli Arabs from voting
Jimmy Carter: Netanyahu Has Abandoned Two-State Solution Carter warned that Tel Aviv is trying to impose a Greater Israel policy, with one Jewish state west of the Jordan river
Israel Counted Minimum Calorie Needs in Gaza Blockade, Documents Reveal "The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger," Dov Weisglass said in 2006.
Poll: 80% of Palestinians, Israelis Say Attack on Iran Would Spark Regional War About 70 percent of Israelis and Palestinians believe the chances of a Palestinian state in the next five years are low or nonexistent
Netanyahu Calls for Early Elections, Maneuvering US on Iran, Palestine Bibi is timing elections tactically with the US presidential elections in mind, looking for a freer hand on Iran, Palestine.
PA in Talks With Arab States on UN ‘Non-Member State’ Bid Israel Says UN Recognition Would Harm Statehood
Abbas Condemns ‘Racist’ Israeli ‘Colonization’ and ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ in Palestine In a UN speech, PLO President Mahmoud Abbas warned that Israeli policies are 'promising' Palestinians 'a new Nakba'
Palestinians Set to Win ‘Nonmember State’ Recognition at UN US, Israel Expected to Condemn Move by General Assembly
Abbas Threatens to Resign From PA Leadership Faced With Growing Protests and Split Cabinet, Is He Serious This Time?