Following Criticism of Civilian Deaths, US Pulls Funding for Afghan ‘Media Center’ US Embassy Insists Move a Coincidence
Afghanistan Warns NATO to Disband Local Militias NATO Says Militias Will Continue to Operate During 'Review'
US Report on Pakistan Attack Blames NATO for Failures Pakistan Formally Rejects US Report on Killings
US Condemns Russia for Seeking Probe of Libya Killings Asking for Probe of Killings a 'Cheap Stunt' Insists US Envoy
UN Report: Violence Up 21 Percent in Afghanistan Over 2010 NATO's Claim of 'Downward Trend' in Violence Disputed
NATO Killed Scores of Civilians in Libya War Claims of Accuracy in Strikes Don't Stand Up to Scrutiny
German General: NATO to Leave 15,000 Troops in Afghanistan After ‘Withdrawal’ Troops Will Provide 'Training and Technical Support'
Iraq ‘Surprised’ as NATO Announces Training Mission to End This Month Lack of Immunity Again at Issue