Governor: NATO Offensive Killed 64 Civilians in Afghanistan’s Kunar Province NATO Insists It Has Video Showing Killing of 'Armed Insurgents'
Pentagon to Defund NATO Missile Defense After 2013 US 'Can't Afford' System, But Already Planning to Buy More Missiles With the Money
Afghan Defense Minister: Up to 35,000 Active Insurgents Larger than NATO's Previous Estimate on Insurgency's Strength
Afghan President Karzai: ‘Security Handover’ to Begin in Weeks March 21 'Event' Will Be Precursor to Multi-Year Scheme
EU Envoy Eyes Another 30 Years of NATO Occupation in Afghanistan Shrugs Off Claims of Pullout in 2014
Mortar Attack From Afghanistan Kills Eight in Pakistani Tribal Areas NATO Promises Investigation of Their Apparent Attack
Six NATO Soldiers Killed Across Afghanistan Deadliest Day Yet of 2011 as Predictions of Winter Violence Appear Supported
Petraeus: Deal That Didn’t Include Taliban Proves Taliban ‘Weaker’ Says Taliban Mad at Orders to Fight Through Winter
NATO Kills Three Afghan Police in Air Strike Police Were Meeting Up With Special Forces for Joint Patrol at the Time
NATO Estimate: Taliban Just as Strong Today as a Year Ago Massive Escalation Has Done Nothing to Size of Insurgency