As Trump Champions ‘Trade War,’ EU Threatens Retaliation Trump sees trade wars as 'easy,' but economists warn of ramifications
US, European Nations Discuss ‘Supplementary’ Iran Nuclear Deal Europeans fear Trump will just find another excuse to kill the pact
US Pushes Europe to Commit to Changing Iran Nuclear Deal Trump Sets May Deadline for US Staying in Pact
Munich Report: EU, NATO Face Growing Risk of Inadvertent Russia War Growing Tensions, Border Buildups Risk Misunderstandings
European Powers to Meet Iran to Back Nuclear Deal, in Message to Trump European Nations Remain Committed to Pact
EU Govts Sign Pact on Integrated Military Forces Brexit Seen as Boosting Deal Long Sought by France, Germany
EU: US Lawmakers Aim to Comply With Iran Nuclear Deal EU Foreign Policy Chief: Renegotiation Not an Option