FBI: Fake Underwear Bomb Plot Proves Need for Warrantless Surveillance Congressmen: Media Risks War by Revealing 'Bomber' Was CIA Employee
Supposed Would-Be Underwear Bomber Is CIA Informant Obama officials tried to present this as some successfully foiled terror attack, while it was anything but
Pentagon Announces Another New Military Spy Unit 'Defense Clandestine Service' Will Work With CIA Overseas
Pentagon May Put JSOC Under Secretive CIA Control in 2014 Special Ops under CIA control would be considered spies, allowing the White House to claim US troops have been withdrawn
Rumors of Deal as Egypt Delays US NGO Workers’ Trial to Late April Prosecutor Says NGOs Had Ties With CIA
Officials: CIA to Stay in Iraq, Afghanistan for Years After Wars Baghdad-Based CIA Spying on Maliki Government
Israel Framed CIA in Backing Jundallah Terrorists Memos: Mossad Agents With US Passports, US Dollars Recruited Terror Group