Massive Sectarian Slaughter in Iraq Raises Concern Among Arabs Sectarian violence and PM Maliki's abusive grip on power may postpone an Arab League Summit scheduled for March in Baghdad
About 400 Afghans Displaced Every Day Along with violence and overall death, internal displacement of Afghans has increased every year since at least 2008
Likud Members Push Plan to Annex 60% of West Bank Knesset member Danny Danon and half the Likud Party have endorsed annexing Area C and 'naturalizing' up to 50,000 Palestinians
Obama Lawyer: No Court Can Challenge Extrajudicial Execution at President’s Whim Obama's top Pentagon lawyer Jeh Johnson argued authority to kill and detain without charge or trial spans the globe
Afghan Soldier Kills 2 US Troops at Quran-Burning Protest Thousands of Afghans have protested against the US for three days since US apologized for Quran burning
US, European Officials Dismiss Claims of Iran-Qaeda Connection The evidence of cooperation is extremely thin, and evidence of tactical collusion is nonexistent
Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei: We Will Never Seek Nuclear Weapons US intelligence conforms to Iranian denials of weapons development, but hawks in the US and Israel want war anyway
Israel Approves Construction of 695 Housing Units in West Bank Destruction of Palestinian homes and settlements on Palestinian land are hitting record highs in recent years
Yemenis Elect New US Puppet in Sham Single-Candidate Election Every indication points to continued US support for Saleh's deputy as the new Yemeni strongman
Children Abused by Somali Militants, Some With US Support Warring parties in Somalia, including some militias backed by the US, are abducting and recruiting children to fight