China Criticized as Too ‘Assertive,’ as US Expands Military in Asia-Pacific US security deals and ubiquitous naval presence have heightened tensions in the region
Chinese Military Warns US of ‘Confrontation’ Over South China Seas Sees US-Philippines Naval Drills as Provocation
US at Center of Chinese-Filipino Naval Dispute Greater US military expansion into Asia-Pacific has heightened territorial and economic tensions in the region
In Exchange for Arms, Philippines OKs Greater US Military Presence This is part of a broader imperial plan to counter China's rising influence in Asia
US Drone War Reaches Philippines Some Filipino representatives have objected to encroaching US military domination
US Seeks More Military Access in Philippines Maintaining US economic and military hegemony in Asia-Pacific is central to Obama administration policy
US to Reestablish Military Presence in Philippines The move is part of a broader imperial plan to counter China's influence in Asia-Pacific
Civilians Flee as Philippines Army Intensifies Southern Air Strikes Military Reports 'Heavy Resistance' in Region
Philippines President: No Revenge Attacks After Rebels Kill 19 Soldiers Insists Government Will Still Honor Truce
US-Supported Philippine Army is Detaining Innocent Children The US has continued to welcome widespread human rights abuses from the ally, as economic and military support increases