Brown Hopes for 5,000 More European Troops for Afghanistan British PM Spearheads Drive to Escalate in Conjunction with US
Officials: NATO’s Badghis Air Strike Killed at Least 20, Mostly Civilians US Insists Attack Was No Accident
NATO Kills at Least Eight in Afghan ‘Friendly Fire’ Incident Also Can't Rule Out Role in 25 International Troop Casualties
Missing US Soldiers Spark Friendly Fire Casualties in Afghanistan Over 25 NATO and Afghan Troops Wounded in Search
Afghan Villagers: NATO Killed Nine Civilians in Attack NATO 'Aware of Reports,' Promises Investigation
Taliban Already Vastly Outnumbered, NATO Making No Progress McChrystal Escalation Moves US In Line With Failed Soviet Strategy
Afghan Opposition Candidate Suggests Conditions to Prevent Fraud Skeptical Afghans Expected to Eschew Polls
Gen. McChrystal Makes Surprise Visit to NATO Ministers’ Meeting to Lobby for Escalation Commander Again Goes Behind Administration's Back to Campaign for Plan
NATO Embraces McChrystal Escalation in Defeat for Biden Gen. McChrystal Makes Surprise Bratislava Visit to Campaign for Plan
Security Big Worry as Afghans Gear Up for Runoff Violence a Factor in First Round, Even Less Time to Prepare Security This Time