NATO Commits 7,000 More Troops to Afghanistan, Avoids Details Escalation Will Mostly Be Offset by Netherlands, Canada Pullouts
NATO Chief Promises at Least 5,000 More Troops for Afghanistan Unclear Where Troops Will Be Coming From
Obama’s Afghan Escalation Speech Aims at More NATO Troops NATO Chief Continues Petitioning Nations for More Troops
Taliban Slowly Re-establishes Presence in Northern Kunduz Province Another NATO Supply Line Threatened
NATO Chief Pressing for ‘Maximum’ Forces for Afghanistan Intense Negotiations Ahead of December 3 Meeting
IAEA Hopes to Rescue Third Party Enrichment Deal With Iran Iran's 'Rejection' Apparently Greatly Exaggerated
Karzai Inauguration: Feted by Warlords and Foreign Diplomats Empty Streets and Ambivalence Greet Karzai's Second Term
NATO Delays Afghanistan Talks Until Obama Escalation Decision Obama Expects Announcement in 'Next Several Weeks'