Iraq Will Take Legal Action Against US Soldiers Involved in Haditha Massacre Military tribunals left the US soldiers who murdered 24 Iraqis with no jail time
Aid Groups Find Evidence of Widespread Torture in Libya Detainees suffered severe burns, beatings, broken bones, and have even been killed by US-supported militias
$513 Billion DoD Budget Won’t Budge Top Democrat on House Armed Services Committee vows no further cuts
Saudi Official Calls for Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone in Mideast Prince Turki Al Faisal warned of a nuclear arms race without a region-wide agreement
EU Embargo on Iran Oil is Peace Measure, Says Confused British Official William Hague claims blockading Iran is aimed at avoiding conflict, instead of stoking it
US to Grant Extension of $3.8 Billion in Loan Guarantees to israel The financial backing is yet another example of Washington's tacit endorsement of illegal, inhumane treatment of Palestinians
Saleh Leaves Yemen, But Fight for Reform Goes On Opposition groups say they'll talk about 'post-Saleh era' only after they see real change
Taliban Claim They Recruited Afghan Soldier Who Killed NATO Troops The increasing frequency of such rogue attacks have prompted doubts about the mission in Afghanistan