Israel Beefs Up Military Readiness Some view the actions as preparing for war on several fronts, but it could be just more posturing
Clinton Tries to Broaden Ties With Syrian Opposition US support for the rebels has been expanding despite Clinton's earlier objections that they weren't "viable" and were tied to "al-Qaeda
Six US Troops Killed by Afghan Trainees in 24 Hours People continue to get killed in Afghanistan purely for the political reputation of politicians in Washington
White House: US ‘Would Know’ If Iran Decided to Build Nukes WH spokesman Jay Carney said the US has covert means of knowing what Iran has and doesn't have
Afghan Police Commander Kills Three US Special Ops People continue to get killed in Afghanistan purely for the political reputation of politicians in Washington
US Deploying Surveillance Drones Near China Even John McCain called the move "unnecessarily provocative"
Despite Israeli ‘Leak’ US Intelligence Still Solid on Iran’s Lack of Nuke Program Israelis pounced on the opportunity to push the US to war, but Obama administration still says Iranian nuke is far off
Egypt May Be Hyping Sinai Offensive For Israel’s Sake The ostentatious crackdown reportedly didn't impress Sinai residents, who saw no evidence of fighting and witnessed soldiers firing into the air
Gunfire Breaks Out in Sinai as Tensions Rise The reactive measures taken by the Egyptian military may be avoiding the root of the problem
US-Backed Ugandan Military Deploys Air Force Over Somalia The growing proxy war in East Africa is bound to have severe blowback