At Least 20 Killed in Peshawar Courthouse Bombing Seventh Attack on Major City in Less than Two Weeks
As Clinton Visits, Karzai Inaugurated to Second Term as Afghan President Western Officials 'Hopeful' as Karzai Vows to 'Tackle Corruption'
Iraq Election Planning Halted by Veto Election Commission Halts All Activities Pending Parliamentary Action
NATO Delays Afghanistan Talks Until Obama Escalation Decision Obama Expects Announcement in 'Next Several Weeks'
Pakistani Army Kills Six Civilians, Sparking Protests No Official Response as Police Confirm Women, Children Slain
January Gitmo Closure Won’t Happen, Obama Finally Admits President Gives No Firm Date If/When Closure Will Actually Happen
Iran Rejects Nuclear Deal, Suggests Direct Swap Compromise Fear of Losing Most of Nuclear Stockpile Killed Enrichment Deal