WikiLeaks Founder Assange May Seek Asylum in Switzerland or Iceland Facing Growing International Condemnation, Assange Seeks Safe Haven
Hawks Call for Military Action Against Julian Assange Former State Dept Official Says Assange Should Be Treated as 'Enemy Combatant'
Maliki: WikiLeaks Trying to Sabotage My Second Term Iraqiya: Leaks Show Importance of 'Power-Sharing'
Pentagon Accuses WikiLeaks of Not Supporting the Troops Officials Downplay Content of Leak, Still Insist Its an Enormous Threat
Post-WikiLeaks: Where Does Iraq’s Government Stand? US Orders to 'Ignore' Iraqi Torture Are One Thing, What About the Torturers Themselves?
WikiLeaks War Logs: 391,832 Iraq War Files Released to Media Documents Reveal Civilian Killings, Ignoring of Torture
Pentagon ‘Warning Iraqis’ Ahead of WikiLeaks Release Task Force Reviewing Possible Iraq War Documents
Pentagon Warns Media Against Covering WikiLeaks Releases Also Cautions Against Ties With 'Disreputable' WikiLeaks