Sen. Graham: Congress Should ‘Shut Up’ About Libya War Insists Congressional Debate on War Would 'Empower Gadhafi'
Iraqi Officials: US Congressional Delegation ‘Not Welcome’ Demands for War Compensation, Threats of War Crimes Investigation Cloud Visit
Gates: Even After Iraq, Afghanistan Military Will Find Plenty to Do Sees Upcoming Fights in Iran, North Korea, and China
Gates Slams Kucinich Over ‘Dangerous’ Call to End Libya War Says 'Unilateral' Move to End War Would Hurt the Troops
House Postpones Vote Against Libya War Over Fear It Might Pass Boehner Concerned Vote Demanding End to War Might 'Adversely Affect' War
Gates: Keep Troops in Iraq to Make Iran Uncomfortable Insists Sadr's Opposition to US Occupation Because of Iranians
Senators Kerry, McCain Push Resolution to Support Libya War Bill Falls Short of Explicitly Authorizing Conflict
No Clear Signs From Obama as ‘War Powers Act’ Deadline Arrives 60 Days Into Libya War, Will President Flout Resolution Requirements?