Azerbaijan Denies That Turkey Is Sending Fighters From Syria Reports from Reuters and the Guardian said Syrian mercenaries are preparing to deploy to Azerbaijan
US Special Ops Using Secret Drone Missiles in Northwest Syria Recent strike killed senior member of Hurras al-Din
Iraq Seeks Arab Help to Expel Turkey From Northern Iraq Iraq summons Turkish envoy over 'flagrant aggression'
Turkish Forces Move Deeper Into Iraq to Fight Kurds Turkey sends drones, establishes new bases inside Iraq
Egypt Authorizes Sending Troops to Libya, Risking Clash With Turkey Hafter forces give Egypt the green-light to intervene on their behalf
Turkey Sends 25 Military Vehicles to Syria to Defend Observation Sites 4,560 vehicles have entered Syria since March
China, Russia Veto Extending Syria Aid Routes Into Turkey West seeks two crossings, Russia says only one needed
Tensions Rise Between France, Turkey Over Naval Encounter Arms smuggling cargo ship at the core of dispute