Turkey Threatens Attacks on Kurdish Region in Syria Will 'Take Every Measure' Against Faction in Northeast Syria
Turkish Attack on Syria’s Northern Kurds Could Prompt Wider War If Turkey follows up on its threats, it could be pulled into a conflict with the Assad regime, Russia, and Iran
Assad Grants Autonomy to Kurdish Region, Prompting Threats From Turkey The PKK will find safe-haven in northern Syria now, which could prompt an attack from Turkey, a NATO member
Turkey Says It ‘Will Not Tolerate’ a Kurdish Sanctuary in Syria Turkey sent tanks and missile batteries to the border next to Syria's Kurdish region
Turkey Sends Surface-to-Air Missiles to Syrian Border Missile Batteries Arrive as Rebels Seize Border Crossings
Iraq’s Anbar Province Reaches Border Deal With Syrian Rebels Rebel Fighters Encourage Locals to Loot Border Post
Discredited, But Syria ‘Massacre’ Hysteria Continues Turkish PM Brands Massacre That Didn't Happened 'Genocide'
Turkish Military: ‘No Evidence’ Downed Warplane Was Hit by Syrian Missile Govt Struggles to Explain Incident, Concedes It Might've Been an Accident