Iran Moves Mock Aircraft Carrier to Strait Ahead of Drill Carrier resembles US carriers so often in the area
US Commander: Missile Defenses Needed in Guam in Five Years Warns defenses needed to counter China after Japan rejected plan
US General Predicts Iran Will ‘Respond’ to Recent Israeli Attacks Israel hoping to start an Iran war and get US involved
US Has Two Carrier Strike Groups in South China Sea as Tensions Rise First time two strike groups were in South China Sea in six years
Pentagon Gives Trump Options for Cutting Troop Levels in South Korea Cuts loom as Trump's demand for higher payments failed to lead to a deal
US Destroyer Sent to Venezuelan Coast to Challenge Maduro Navy says ship shows Venezuela doesn't control those claims
US May Nationalize Warplane Industry ‘to Maintain Competition’ Air Force worries not enough companies can make huge, costly planes
Pentagon: US Has Withdrawn From Five Afghan Bases as Part of Pullout Mid-8,000 US troops remain in Afghanistan