Jerusalem Approves New Settlement Expansion of 891 Units in Gilo Construction Blocks Continuity of Future Palestinian State
Israeli DM Orders More Ground Troops Into Palestinian City of Hebron Troops Crack Down on Nearby Villages After Two Killed
Israeli Troops Storm Palestinian Hospital, Killing ‘Suspect’ Troops Took Wounded Palestinian With Them
Netanyahu Says Israel Will Retain All Palestinian Territory Speaking to Parliament, PM Vows Israel Will 'Forever Live by the Sword'
House Freezes Aid to Palestinians for ‘Inflammatory’ Speech 'Fines' Palestinians $80 Million for Incitement
Israeli Troops Surround Arab Neighborhoods After Six Killed in ‘Day of Rage’ Palestinian Youth Increasingly Involved in Protests, Attacks
12 Palestinians Killed, 470 Wounded as Israel Extends Crackdown Troops Open Fire on Protesters in Gaza Strip
US Ultimatum Has Israel Freezing New Settlement Construction Settlers Blast Move as 'Serious Mistake'
Over 100 Palestinians Wounded in Israeli Crackdown Israeli Troops Raid Camps as Netanyahu Talks of a 'Fight to the Death'