As ‘Test’ Operation Flounders, NATO Eyes Same Strategy in Kandahar Ongoing Marjah Offensive Definitely Not Going According to Plans
Displaced Marjah Civilians Face Ruin, Just Like Those Who Stayed War Drags On, Spelling Disaster for Farming Community
UN Report: 346 Afghan Children Killed in 2009, Mostly by NATO Largest Portion of Killings Came in Air Strikes
Gates: European Aversion to War a Danger to Peace US Defense Secretary Slams 'Demilitarization of Europe'
NATO Attacks Afghan Buses, Killing 27 Civilians Gen. McChrystal 'Deeply Saddened' as Afghan Cabinet Condemns Strike
Marjah Civilians, Surrounded by Conflict, Run Out of Food Those Who Listened to NATO and Stayed Pay a Growing Price