Protests in Eastern Afghanistan as NATO Kills Civilians in Night Raid NATO Termed Brothers 'Suspected Insurgents' in Official Statement
NATO Admits to Afghan Civilian Killings in Two Attacks Locals Insist Overall Toll Could Be as High as 32
Record US Toll in Afghanistan as Violence Continues to Soar Six More Deaths Put US Toll for July at 66 Killed
July Deadliest Month Yet for US Troops in Afghanistan Officials Unanimous in Predicting Rising Tolls Going Forward
Karzai: NATO Should Act Against Militants Outside Afghanistan 'There Is Danger Elsewhere and They Are Not Acting'
As Kandahar Invasion Looms, Afghan Govt Positions Remain Unfilled Prospect of Massive Battle Scares Away Potential Bureaucrats
Karzai Confirms: NATO Killed 52 Civilians in Friday Attack Rockets Hit House Full of Hiding Civilians
Admiral Mullen: Afghan War Will Get Even Worse Over Summer Insists Goal of Changing Momentum Is 'Within Reach'