NATO Troops Kill Karzai’s Cousin in Botched Night Raid 'Suspected Insurgents' Were Bodyguards Working for Provincial Council Chairman
UN: Record Civilian Deaths in 2010 Afghanistan Abductions, Assassinations Also Soar Across the Nation
NATO’s Growing Civilian Toll Sparks Anger in Afghanistan High Profile Killings, Higher Profile Denials Enrage Locals
Arab League Mulls Imposition of Libya ‘No-Fly Zone’ US, NATO Leaders Split on Their Own Plans for a No-Fly Zone
Petraeus Apologizes for Deaths of Nine Afghan Children Anti-US Protests Reported in Kunar After Latest Killings
NATO Kills Nine Children in Afghan Air Strike Provincial Police Say Children Were Collecting Firewood
Afghan Probe Confirms: NATO Killed 65 in Kunar Offensive NATO Blames Villagers for 'Pro-Taliban' Propaganda
NATO Helicopter Kills Five Afghan Civilians, Including Two Children Officials Mistook Slain for 'Armed Insurgents'
Officials: NATO Air Strike Killed Civilians in Afghanistan Accidentally Bombed Family of Six in Their Home