At Least 75 Killed in Violence Across Syria Jordanian King Urges Assad to Resign as Violence Escalates on Border
Jordanian Protesters Demand Closure of US Embassy Citing political and economic encroachment, partly as revealed by WikiLeaks, protesters burned US and Israeli flags
Protesters Beaten in Jordan Capital as Calls for Reform Continue Seventh Straight Friday of Protests Met With Beatings
US Seeks to Reassure Jordan After Egypt Revolution Officials Affirm 'Long-Term Commitment' to Monarch
US Intel Officials’ Question After Egypt: Who’s Next? Plenty of Unrest to Go Around, But Which Tyrant Will Crumble Next?
More Protests Planned as Jordan Meets Depressingly Familiar ‘New’ PM New 'Reform' PM Is Same Man Who Failed to Push Reforms in Last Term
Jordan’s King Sacks Government in Effort to Stem Revolt Protesters Targeted Appointed Cabinet, But Is King the Real Problem?