‘Secret Deal’ Between Netanyahu, Lieberman to Expand West Bank Settlement Construction Expansion Would Link Settlement, Jerusalem with 3,000 New Housing Units
Israel Killed 39 in Attack on Sudan Convoy January Strike Destroyed Several Trucks, Injured Civilians
Labor Party Joins Netanyahu’s Incoming Coalition Outrage Among Labor, Likud Officials Make for a Contentious Match
Israel Faces Uncomfortable Questions as Soldiers Point to Indiscriminate Killings Soldiers Say They Were Pressured to Fight "Holy War"
Israel to Worsen Prisoner Conditions to ‘Pressure Hamas’ As Prisoner Swap Negotiations Fall Through, Israel Looks For Leverage
Mullen: US Attack on Iran Would Focus on Navy, Air Force In PBS Interview, Admiral Warns Against Unilateral Israeli Attack
Freeman Pulls Out of Candidacy for Top Intel Post In Statement, Freeman Slams Israel Lobby for 'Veto' of Appointment