Report: Trump Wants To Pull 20,000 US Troops Out of Europe The US has about 100,000 troops deployed in Europe, a result of surges ordered by President Biden
Army General Says US Needs More Advanced Weaponry in Europe US Army plan will add more artillery, cyber, and space fighting capabilities
US Troops Prepare for ‘Worst-Case’ Scenario in Europe General says US may need outside help if virus spreads
Europe Remains Skeptical as Trump Seeks Support on Iran Trump wanted Europe, NATO to rally behind him
Europe Urges Restraint as Pompeo Talks Up US Escalation With Iran EU diplomatic chief calls for dialogue to avoid war
Netanyahu Claims Israel Has Thwarted Plane Attacks on European Cities Says 'Several Dozen' Major Attacks Thwarted
House Seeks Details on Increasing Permanent US Military Presence in Europe Wants Pentagon Estimate of Costs for Long-Term Deployment
Europol: Dozens of ISIS May Be in Europe Warns ISIS Fighters May Use Chemical Weapons, Suicide Bombings
Officials: Multiple Additional ISIS Plots Being Planned in Europe ISIS Picked Out Several New Targets in Recent Months