President Trump wants to withdraw about 20,000 US troops from Europe, the Italian news agency ANSA reported last week.
The US currently has about 100,000 troops deployed across Europe, a result of the Biden administration beefing up the US presence on the continent, which began around the time of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Biden brought the number of troops in Europe to its highest level since 2005.
The report, which cited a European diplomat, said that Trump wants to reduce the military presence in Europe by 20% and would like European countries hosting US troops to pay more for the US presence.

“Furthermore, for those who remain, he would like a financial contribution from European countries because these soldiers are a deterrent, and the costs cannot be borne only by American taxpayers,” the diplomat said, according to Newsweek.
During his previous term in office, Trump planned to pull 9,500 troops out of Germany as part of his efforts to pressure the US’s European allies to pay more for their militaries, but the withdrawal was never carried out, and the plan was reversed by the Biden administration.
Before his inauguration, Trump suggested NATO countries should increase military spending to 5% of their Gross Domestic Products (GDP), which is significantly higher than the alliance’s current 2% GDP goal.
Europe does not deserve our help or money, bring home 50,000. The UK and Germany have been making childish leftist attacks on Trump.
Someone is touchy
Let's just make it an even 100,000.
Agree 100,000%.
Sure, let's make far reaching international decisions so that trump feelings don't get hurt.
been there farrrrrr ttttooo long
Trump is funny. But not as funny as militarily occupied countries thinking their actual military occupier is helping them.
Trump is only funny in his golf outfit…!
Great. Let him do it and don't bitch about it.
The empire is a huge waste of our money and resources.
We have lived with its crap for way too long.
Lots of "liberals" have had a chance to do this for years & yet refused to.
Trump floated the same idea last time and did not do it. he also said he would withdraw from Afghanistan and did not do it.
Saying it and actually doing it are two different things…!
For all the wrong reasons. But who cares? I'll take it.
Sounds good, but why not bring troops home from all the countries in the world where they have no business being at at all?
The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond. The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER. Enjoy the water, California!!!
Why am I not surprised that you seem to actually buy that fairy tale?
Trump has no understanding on how Southern California receives its water. Southern California get no water from the Pacific Northwest or Canada.
Well, it’s made-up shit from beginning to end …
… but you can see why as long as he’s making shit up, he’d pretend to be giving California Democrats water from mostly Democratic Oregon and Washington instead of from the more Republican Utah, Nevada, and Arizona constituencies that California’s been draining dry for decades now.
The main thing that's being drained in California is the various deep aquifers. Those cannot be replenished as it took thousands of years to create. Rain/snow melt water con only slowly replenish deep ancient aquifers.
Water from water generation areas on the windward side of mountain ranges and higher elevation areas can replenish surface water sources but can do little to replenish ground water. California does not impact aquifers in Arizona, Nevada and Utah. Those Aquifers are being depleted locally, especially in city areas like Tucson which has a limited source of close by surface water generation areas.
Yes, there are proposals to divert water from the Columbia River to send to California. Not only would the engineering be difficult, there would be widespread opposition in both Washington and Oregon. Especially since the use of ground water for those that utilize surface water are limited to 150 old year water right titles.
"California does not impact aquifers in Arizona, Nevada and Utah."
I never said otherwise.
But I did notice that the Colorado River water allocation plan benefits California at the expense of those other states.
“I never said otherwise.”
Note: I never claimed you did.
Sorry I read it that way!
Correction. The US military began building up forces in Europe several years before Russian intervention, building ten new bases in Poland in violation of NATO's "Founding Act" agreement with Russia.
Chestnuts —- Fire….
i wish his dad would have pulled out many years ago at a certain date
Is Emperor Trump dissolving a logistical deployment base of the US military in Europe?
From Deep State view… Trump imperialistic vision would be at odds with pulling troops from Europe…!
The “Pull out” method is older than Time and not the best or most beneficial method…
Gradually is best… Ahem…