Lieberman’s Condition for Joining a Coalition: Destroy Hamas Forming a Government May Mean Starting a New Gaza Invasion
Gates: Obama to Decide Within Days on Afghan Surge New Administration Moves Slow on Afghanistan, Slower on Iraq
Tensions Remain High in South Ossetia After Reports of Tskhinvali Shelling Georgian Govt Accuses Separatists of Detaining Monitors
In Israeli Election: Kadima and Likud Both Claim Victory Both Sides Brim With Confidence As Exit Polls Show Uphill Battle for Coalition Govt
Livni Edges Bibi, but May Not Get to Form Govt Exit Polls Show Narrow Kadima Lead as Results Trickle In
Landmark Israeli Election Begins Margins Narrow in Election That Could Change Nation's Political Landscape
Poll Shows Afghan Populace Losing Faith in Govt, NATO Vast Majority Afghans Say NATO Air Strikes Unacceptable