‘Secret Deal’ Between Netanyahu, Lieberman to Expand West Bank Settlement Construction Expansion Would Link Settlement, Jerusalem with 3,000 New Housing Units
Obama Backs NATO Expansion After Meeting, Outgoing Secretary General Declares Afghanistan Top "Operational Priority"
Israel Killed 39 in Attack on Sudan Convoy January Strike Destroyed Several Trucks, Injured Civilians
Afghan Police Chief Says US Shot Farmers, US Says Were Militants Second Incident of Civilian Killings in Past Few Days
US Claims Pakistan’s ISI ‘Directly Supporting’ Taliban in Afghanistan Officials Claim ISI Provide Money, Equipment, Planning Guidance to Taliban
US Drone Strike Kills Eight in South Waziristan Vehicles Targeted, Several Foreigners Among The Slain
GAO: More Expensive to Leave Iraq Than to Stay Even Ending a War Can't Be Done on the Cheap, GAO Warns