Israel to US: Talk of Avoiding War Helps Iran Israel condemned public reluctance for war and demanded intensified pressure on Iran if an Israeli attack is to be avoided
Misrata Residents Force Local Elections Rival militias control various territories and the US-backed interim government has no overarching control
IAEA Visit to Iran May Quash ‘Hysterical War Talk’ Last week, Iran requested a resumption of negotiations with West at the 'earliest possibility'
US Expands Afghan Prison It Promised to Hand Over to Kabul The broken promise is a sign of how little progress has been made in Afghanistan
Karzai Meets with Iran, Pakistan After Being Excluded from Taliban Talks While the US and Taliban negotiate a settlement, Karzai meets with Iran and Pakistan for a settlement of their own
Israeli Officials Blame Iran for Recent Bombings, Despite Lack of Evidence The bombs used in India, Georgia, and Thailand were 'strikingly reminiscent' of those in Israeli-supported attacks on Iranian scientists
Top Israeli Officials Diverge on Iran Statements There may be some dissent within Israel's top ranks against Netanyahu's push for war
Panetta: Iran is Not Developing Nuclear Weapons Though Iran is enriching uranium, Panetta explained, they have not demonstrated any intention of building a bomb
Top US Official: Iran Unlikely to Attack the West Given recent US-Israeli aggression, Iran apparently won't even retaliate
Two US Drone Strikes Kill Up to 21 People in Pakistan The program of extra-judicial executions ends up killing many civilians and fomenting more anti-American terrorism