White House Curtails Congress’s Authority on Arms Sales New measures by the State Department give unchecked power for arms sales to the president
Karzai Demands ‘Accelerated’ Withdrawal After LA Times Photos The fact that the war is lost is virtually accepted wisdom at this point
Over 20 Bombs Kill 36 Across Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki seems to be preoccupied with his own authority, instead of the security of the country
CIA Seeks Authority to Kill Unidentified Targets in Yemen Drone War Not only does such a policy fail to meet the administration's own legal guidelines, but it is laying the groundwork for violent blowback
Australian PM Announces Early Afghan Exit Trying to counter perceptions that allies are ducking out early, US officials claim no plans have changed
‘Human Rights Crisis’ in US Client Bahrain, Despite Reform Pledge Torture and excessive violence on protesters persists, as does Washington's support
Iraqis Accuse Maliki of Dictatorship After Arrest of Top Election Official No matter how bad Prime Minister Maliki's drive to authoritarianism gets, he continues to receive Washington's support
US Frames Losing Defensive Posture in Afghanistan as Last Push for Victory As the Taliban gears up for its spring offensive, the US's lost war will be even more starkly illustrated
Pakistan Jail-Break Was Inside Job, Claims Militant Commander The accusation comes just after the Pakistani government essentially severed its tactical relationship with the US