UN: Both Rebels and Regime Have Committed War Crimes In Syria Few in Washington are questioning the wisdom of sending aid to war criminals
Report: Obama to Tell Israel US ‘Will Attack Iran by June 2013’ If Diplomacy Fails It could be a tactic to stave off an Israeli attack before the November elections, but such talk is incredibly dangerous
US Hypocritically Accuses Iran of Sending Pro-Regime Militias to Syria Iranian meddling in Syria is condemned, while US-backed regime change by proxy is just
Rebel Violence in Syria Turning Population Firmly Against the Opposition The rebels' latest offensive in Aleppo has caused new humanitarian crises, prompting opposition concerns about 'hearts and minds'
Libyan Fighters Battling Alongside Syrian Rebels The disorganized, mixed nature of the opposition, which includes elements of al-Qaeda, makes US support all the more dangerous
Official Concern Grows Over Aiding al-Qaeda to Victory in Syria Veteran insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan are employing their expertise in Syria, with US backing
Israeli Warmongering Pushes Oil Prices Higher The unnecessary international quarrel between the US, Israel and Iran puts salt in the wounds in troubled economic times
Russia Criticizes US for Iran Sanctions, Warns They Put Ties at Risk The economic warfare on Iran is reaching other countries and hurting bilateral relations, all to placate Israel
Romney’s Paul Ryan VP Pick Pleases War Hawks Ryan has been meeting with top neocons and blindly supports the violent US Empire
Washington Aggravating Asian Territorial Disputes The Obama administration aims to undercut China's economic and military rise