US Lawmakers Balk at Soaring Cost of Nuclear Arms Modernization CBO estimates scheme will cost $494 billion
Russia Urges US to Drop Plans to Deploy Missile Defense Systems in Space Foreign Ministry warns move could start a new arms race
US Airstrike Targets Afghan Funeral; 29 Civilians Killed Funeral was for civilians killed in Thursday strike
Afghan Airstrike Destroys Home, Kills 16 Civilians Air support called in during heavy fighting in Helmand Province
Venezuela’s Military Chief, Foreign Allies Back Maduro Russia warns US against military intervention in Venezuela
Two Years Ago: US Destroyed Much of Yemen Village, Killed at Least 30 Civilians Botched raid was the start of Trump-era intervention in Yemen
US Military Will No Longer Announce Deaths in Somalia Strikes Africom says any reports on deaths are up to Somali government
Trump’s Hawks Seek Aggressive Stance on Venezuela Regime Change Bolton: Venezuela oil money must go to Guaido