Speaking to the Jewish Federations of North America, Israeli Army spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus conceded that the military had failed in efforts to minimize Gaza casualties earlier this week, and had effectively handed Hamas a PR ‘knockout’ victory.

Opening fire on protesters during Nakba Day on the Gaza border, Israeli forces killed 61 Palestinians and wounded thousands. Though Israeli political officials have defended the killings, Lt. Col. Conricus admitted that some of the Palestinians were hit “by mistake.”
Conricus said that all the screaming and smoke made it a chaotic environment, and while the Israeli troops are disciplined and professional, While he generally defended the idea of shooting at the protesters near the border, he said mistakes were made.
Conricus is the first Israeli official to publicly suggest that a too high death toll was a problem, with political officials all insisting that killing Gazans was akin to killing Nazis, and arguing that they were mostly “terrorists” anyhow.
Indeed, within Israel’s far-right government comments were generally upbeat about all the deaths, and despite international backlash, the US was eager to defend them from any probes or blame.
Being more forthright about the consequences of the killings would be necessary in comments to a major US Jewish organization. This is particularly true in this case, because such groups are not uniformly behind the killings, and Israel is desperate to continue to ensure their support in lobbying efforts within the US.
United States is sending the wrong signals to N Korea If we really want N Korea to disarm ..Did Bolton honestly say he wants N Korea disarmament to be modeled after Libya’s disarmament . The people healthcare education and general economy was cut by 2/3 , their president was murdered by sodomization they were left with bands of starving people and criminals roaming the streets and all their countries natural resources stolen .I’am just sure Rocket man Kim will just jump at the chance to bring this on N Korea and him self .
Let’s hope that Bolton’s tenure in the Trump Administration is very short.
A country or a people under siege tries to break it. It has been often reported that Israel had laid a siege on Gaza for at least two decades.
So this siege lasted much longer than the siege of the Warsaw Ghetto during the WWII and Vienna in 1683.
The task of the UN and/or UNSC would be to determine that Gaza is under siege and that it has no means to break it now nor in some time to come.
And after doing that, demand that Israel lifts the siege and if it refuses, impose very strong sanctions on Israel or wage war against Israel if it refuses to abandon the siege.
But Die Weisse Jud’n run America more or much more than any other cult, so we expect it would continue to veto the necessary action.
Poor Israel. Once again the victim. Handing Hamas a PR knockout victory. No concern for the dead and maimed. Only for the image of Israel. A very sick people.
They are not truly Israel.
Some “knockout victory”,
the Palestinians in the West Bank didn’t join in,
the world saw the insanity of bringing an 8 month old girl to a violent riot,
that got her killed and
Egypt put the smack down on Hamas for all the rioting!
Hamas was outted, once again, as nothing but a terror cell.
This “knockout victory” is a moral victory – a victory reminiscent of the kind of victory by the victims that spelled the destruction of the old Union of South Africa and its Apartheid system. The whole world sees Israel as the cruel occupier that it is. The real insanity is the celebration of the death of a 8 month old girl at the hands of the IDF and thinking that anyone except a deranged person would conclude that it was her parents’ fault that she got killed. Actually, it is Israel that is “outted” as a terror cell.
So bringing an 8 month old to a raging riot was somehow,
Israel’s fault?
A Gazan doctor has already stated she died do to a pre-existing condition,
but Hamas needed it’s heart-rending photo -op, nevertheless.
stokr, How could the parents not bring their child to a “raging riot” – all of Gaza is a raging riot / all of Gaza is a prison / all of Gaza is a free fire zone for the IDF. They were not on Israeli land (of course – fool that I am, I keep forgetting that “Greater Israel” has no confining borders).
the mother could have/ should have stayed home with her child, as most mothers apparently did.
You are assuming that they still have a home –one which the IDF hasn’t bulldozed yet.
You really should do some research,
the riots took place along the border,
the rest of Gaza was just fine.
You say, “the rest of Gaza was just fine” — and you want me to do some research?
By your statements you make it sound like there isn’t a house standing.
Hamas determines their fate because they voted for it.
Israel’s side lost in those Gaza elections that Israel endorsed at the time.
No, the PLO side lost to Hamas and the rest is history.
Israel backed the PLO and the rest is history.
the Gazans voted FOR terror
then got it,
and are now beat up over it.
It’s a logic progression.
They voted for something other than the PLO which was selling them out.
“So bringing an 8 month old to a raging riot was somehow, Israel’s fault?”
Seeing as how the rioters were the IDF, yes.
Tom, the border was stormed by Hamas, Molotov-cocktails, sling-shots, guns, knives, fire etc. That was no place for an infant and thankfully not many other mothers decided to bring theirs.
Hamas has admitted 50 of the dead were Hamas fighters,
see video attached to this article:
Hamas is Gaza. Likud is Israel.
Well we agree on that.
Labeling Hamas as a terrorist organization reflects the power of the Israel Lobby and AIPAC.
Hamas fits the definition to a T,
as a terrorist organization,
who you embrace, amazing.
You need a new site, PRO-WAR.com.
I don’t embrace Hamas at all, I embrace those in the Israeli enforced open air prison. What do you do have multiple people with the same ID from AIPAC who hover here 24/7.
Gaza is Hamas, they voted for it, you support it, you must be pro-war.
You must be quite dunce-like to come up with that.
Mirror image.
You support Israel bombing their neighbors so you’re the pro-war entity.
I support a nation to when they defend themselves.
Hamas is the aggressor.
Killing unarmed civilians protesting in the same country is not defense and they are not aggressors.
Hamas has done nothing against the US – if Israel wants to label them like the Germans labeled unfavored minorities there, be my guest.
Look up the definition of terrorist,
they don’t have to attack the US to qualify.
Look up the recent news reports for definition of terrorism in pictures by the IDF
Did you embrace the terrorists in Israel with Shamir and Begin in the forefront?
I oppose all terrorist groups including Israelis
unlike you who turns a blind eye to everything Hamas.
Sure you do – seeing it paid off for them you wave that wand of foreiveness for those terrrorists.
Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization.
So is every government on Earth.
I don’t like Hamas any better than I like any of those other terrorist organizations.
And I don’t have to pretend those terrorist organizations, including IDF, aren’t terrorist organizations in order to acknowledge that Hamas is one.
AIPAC fits the definition of a Fifth Column – foreign interest influencing our foreign policy.
Similar to the Warsaw Ghetto where newsreels shows the insanity of sending little girls and boys out from the Ghetto in search of food.
Hamas incites violence, you accept it.
How about demanding deescalation, mutual respect and peace talks between Hamas and Israel?
This is “AntiWAR” dot com after all.
You seem excited by the continuing carnage.
Egypt condemns them, the PLO refused to join them.
Only that lunatic wing-nut in Turkey agrees with you.
Hamas was created by Israel to rule the refugee camp they created in Gaza and to divide the Palestinian resistance to occupation. You actually think your hasbara has anyone but beltway bandits and rapturists sold. lol
That’s a deflection,
WHY are you not demanding Gaza’s Palestinians join those in the West Bank, Jordan and Egypt in ENDING hostilities?
That’s your problem. You try to sell the notion that there’s some kind of war or conflict going on here where there’s two “sides”…
So sad, load,
that you have devolved into name calling. But there are two “sides”.
The PLO, Egyptians, Jordanians (and soon the Saudis) know there are two sides.
Someday, perhaps, you and the Arab Palestinians of Gaza might return to reality and that would be truly AntiWar.
So sad (as Trump would say) – that you are defending the indefensible. The “settlers” are Euro-trash (right off the plane from Odessa). The Establishment Israelis tell them, “go out and steal your homes from the Arabs”. If you think that the rest of the Arabs side with the Israelis, you are smoking something. The other Arabs hate the Palestinians mostly for not fighting the Israelis to the death. The reason Egypt and Jordan side with America and Israel is because their corrupt leaders have been bribed to do so, Your reality is propaganda. I have relatives in Israel and they are trash. Israel is on a “Do Not Resuscitate” advisory.
Sorry load, you are on the wrong side of history.
Israelis definitely have problems, like the rest of us, BUT
Hamas is beyond problem solving, they are terrorists, and the rest of the world is getting very tired of their bull-shiite!
I agree with Barak who will appear on Michael Savage;s radio program tomorrow. War hero, former Prime Minister, General, says you’re totally wrong!
Sure, the great Labor Party leader,
of course he’ll disagree with everything Bibi does.
I call that “politics”.
I call that a Patriot who is concerned about Israel becoming another fascist State.
Well, he isn’t in power today.
So what?
Like Hillary, he doesn’t matter.
You would have made a good apologist for the Holocaust perpetrators because “they were in power”.
The whole civilized world agrees with me.
Wrong. 1) Israel is developing solid relations internationally. It has peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, active trade with Indian and China, and even Saudi Arabia is working with Israel now. 2) Israel didn’t “ethnically cleanse” the country; Israel was attacked by Arab armies in 1947. The Arabs lost. 3) The Israelis are not “settlers”. That is Arab propaganda. They are immigrants. Some parts of Israel have had Jewish communities since the 16th century (Safed, for example). Meanwhile, Palestinian leaders, such as PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, weren’t even born in the area. He was born in Cairo, Egypt, and was an Egyptian citizen. So…who’s the settler? 4) Colonialism? Which country is Israel a colony of? Please explain. Also, what country is it that was colonized? (There never was a country called “Palestine”). 5) Genocide usually means a group’s population goes down; the Palestinians in Israel, Gaza, and West Bank are increasing rapidly. 6) The people from Gaza are trying to cross a zone between two groups at war. The result is predictable, which is why even the Arab world is getting tired of Hamas and their publicity stunts. If they had any sense, they would work out a deal with Israel and live in peace. They refuse.
That’s a deflection, too.
It’s the reality you choose to ignore.
More deflection.
I guess they didn’t reference the Mufti and Hitler and how that makes senseless murder reasonable.
Lt. Col, Jonathan Conricus will soon disappear and never be heard of again. No promotions for him, only demotions.