Manning to Testify for First Time Lawyer Argues Harsh Mistreatment Endured in Detention Sufficient Punishment
Right-Wing US Politicians Pressured Banks to Blockade WikiLeaks Sen. Joe Lieberman and Rep. Peter King muscled US corporations to isolate WikiLeaks
Bradley Manning Offers to Plead Guilty to Partial Charges If the government prosecutors agree to the offer, they will reduce the charges in exchange.
WikiLeaks to Release Over 100 Secret Documents on Detention Policies WikiLeaks will publish documents from the Department of Defense on detainee policies over the past decade
UK Judge Orders Assange Backers to Pay $150,000 for Bail Says Backers 'Failed' Because of Assange Asylum
Declassified Documents Reveal US Military Designated Assange ‘Enemy of State’ This is the same designation held by al-Qaeda, and it means that Assange could be killed or detained without trial
Lawyer: US Prosecutors Preparing Case Against Assange No Charges Yet, But They Could Be Made Within 24 Hours
Ecuador ‘Optimistic’ About Deal to Keep WikiLeaks Founder Out of US Wants Britain to Get Swedish Promise Not to Trade Assange
Ecuador Rejects US ‘Punishment’ for Asylum, Calls on Britain to Apologize for Threats Urges Britain to Allow Safe Passage for Assange