Senate Backs Bill to Pump $700 Billion into Military Bill Still Needs to Reconcile With House Version
House Approves $696 Billion Military Spending Bill Includes $75 Billion for Overseas Contingency Operations
Senate Votes 98-2 to Impose New Sanctions on Iran, Russia Sens. Sanders and Paul the Only Two Voting Against the Move
Senate Vote to Block Saudi Arms Sale Could Happen Tuesday Vote Expected to Be Close Amid Mounting Opposition
US Eyes $1.1 Trillion National Security Budget for 2018 Even With State Dept Cuts, Overseas Spending Continues to Rise
Congressional Hawks Expect Battle for Military Spending Hikes Leadership Scoffs at Trump's Proposed Hike, Wants Even More
Hawks Seek Massive Escalation, Open-Ended War in Afghanistan 16 Years Into Occupation, US Still Seeks Something That 'Looks Like Victory'
Pence: Era of Patience With North Korea Is Over Vows US Will Use 'Whatever Means Are Necessary' to Achieve Their Objectives