Manbij Attack Gives US Hawks, and ISIS, Exactly What They Want Opponents of Syria pullout push to keep war going
ISIS Attack in Syria’s Manbij Kills Four US Troops, Wounds Three Sen. Graham blames planned pullout from Syria for attack
Top Republicans Claim Trump ‘Rethinking’ Syria Withdrawal Plans Lindsey Graham says Trump promises to stay and destroy ISIS
Elites United in Panic Over Syria Pullout, Afghanistan Drawdown Sen. Graham urges Congressional hearings on war changes
Trump’s Syria Pullout Fuels Backlash Across DC Hawks, many liberals furious after surprise shift on Syria deployment
US Senators Announce Russia Sanctions ‘Bill From Hell’ Bill intends to sanction Russian 'oligarchs,' restrict energy projects
John Bolton to Replace McMaster as National Security Adviser Outspoken ultra-hawk Bolton is advocating US attacks worldwide
Tax Cuts Have Hawks Pushing for More Military Spending Some Warn Tax Cut Might Mean Less Money Left for Wars
US Expected to Sanction Iran Because of Worsening Conditions in Yemen Amid Worsening Saudi War Crimes, Hawks Look to Target Iran