Rubio Amendment Set to Kill Iran Nuclear Deal Amendment Would Demand Iran Publicly Endorse Israel as 'Jewish State'
Splitting Iraq: US Military Bill Would Redefine Kurds, Sunni Militias as Separate Country Move Aims to Skirt Limits on Foreign Aid Recipients
GOP Senators Hope to Coax Dems Into Backing Anti-Iran Bill Senators Seek to Make Bill All About Israel
Republicans Want to Add Jailed Reporter to Demands in Iran Nuclear Deal Senators Likely to Oppose Deal on Any Terms
Sen. Graham: Not a Snowball’s Chance in Hell Congress Approves Iran Deal Vows Congress Will Block Pact in Any Review
Senate Compromises on Iran Deal, Obama Will Sign Bill Bill Will Give Congress Ability to Veto Diplomatic Deal With Iran
Obama Faces Battle as Senate Leaders in Both Parties Oppose Iran Deal Administration Aims to Try to Sell Framework, But Will Congress Listen?
Despite Deal, US or Israel Might Still Attack Iran at Any Time Israeli Intel Minister Talks Up Unilateral Attacks