Trump Fires Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; Pompeo Will Replace Him Trump says he and Tillerson had 'different mind-sets'
US, Turkey Agree to Avoid Clash Over Manbij Diplomats to Work Out Deal; Turkey Suggests Kicking Kurds Out of City
Tillerson’s Turkey Visit to Be Tense as Erdogan Demands US Split With Kurds Tillerson Denies US Ever Gave Kurdish Forces 'Heavy Arms' in the First Place
Tillerson Talks Possible Venezuela Military Coup, Asks Maduro to Resign Says US Doesn't Specifically Advocate Regime Change
Tillerson: US, EU Working to ‘Fix’ Iran Nuclear Deal US, EU Nations Seek 'Side Agreement' on Iran's Nuclear Program
US Urges Turkey to Focus on ISIS, Not Attack Syrian Kurds Tillerson: US Owes Turkey an Explanation on Border Force
Tillerson Threatens Military Action Against North Korea Warns US Will Attack if North Refuses Negotiations
Tillerson: US Military Presence in Syria ‘Open-Ended,’ Will Ensure Regime Change US Massively Expands Syria Goals to Justify Permanent Occupation
US-Led Meeting Focuses on New North Korea Sanctions US: World Must Not Be Fooled by North-South Talks
US, Russia Won’t Recognize North Korea as a Nuclear Power Tillerson, Lavrov Agree on Pursuing Diplomacy