Report: Syrian Rebels Responsible for Houla Massacre Eyewitness accounts and admissions from supposed collaborators say Sunni rebels tried to frame the Assad regime
West Scorns UN Call to Work With Iran on Syria Crisis British Officials Blast Iran for Syrian Violence
Syria Massacre: No Bodies Seen, But Villagers Claim Alawite Militia Slaughter Militia 'Stabbed Everyone and Everything'
British Journalist: Syrian Rebels Set Me Up to Die in Shooting Says Rebels Hoped to Get Him Killed by Regime for Propaganda Victory
UN: Syrian Troops Blocked Access to Site of New Massacre Claims UN Monitors 'Fired Upon' According to Report
Russia Vows to Block Any UN Mandate for Intervention in Syria The Russian FM denounced efforts of foreign meddlers to bring down Assad
Rebels: Pro-Assad Militia Massacred 100 in Hama Province Armed With 'Guns and Knives,' Militia Killed Civilians
Putin: Russia, China United Against Syria Intervention Two Nations Hope to Block UN-Imposed Regime Change
Syrian Rebels: 100 Regime Soldiers Killed in New Offensive Rebels Condemn UN Ceasefire, Say They Will Ignore It