Canadian Warplanes Accused of Killing Iraqi Civilians January Strikes in Mosul the Subject of US Investigation
Centcom Skewed ISIS War Intel To Be More Upbeat Inspectors General Inform Congress Intel Was Likely 'Reworked'
Second Round of US-Trained Syria Rebels to Deploy in ‘Weeks’ First Group Was a Disaster, Next Group Almost Ready to Go
Defense Secretary: Russia an ‘Existential Threat’ to US Says NATO 'Hardening' Areas Near Russian Border
US Confirms Saudis Using Cluster Bombs in Yemen Pentagon Won't Say If They Discussed Matter With Saudis
US Sends More Advisers, Munitions for Saudi War on Yemen Pentagon Insists US 'Not Responsible' for Individual Strikes
US Airstrike Kills Eight Civilians in Northern Syria Attack Targeted Munitions Factory, Leveled Homes
US: Iraqi Troops ‘Halfway Through’ Surrounding Ramadi Pentagon Insists Ramadi Offensive 'a Good Plan'