Pakistani Govt Rejects All Demands, Orders End to Protests Amid Turmoil, Pakistan's Leadership Insists Protesters Demands 'Unconstitutional'
14 Pakistani Soldiers Killed in North Waziristan Bombing 25 Other Soldiers Wounded in Roadside Bombing
Two Groups Each Claims Credit for Pakistan Bombings that Killed 125 Paramilitary FC Given 'Police Powers' for Two Months
Pakistani Soldier Slain in Kashmir Artillery Fire Both Sides Continue to Vow Retaliation Against One Another
Flurry of Drone Strikes Sets Stage for US Escalation in Pakistan in 2013 Six More Killed in Attacks on North Waziristan
NATO Supplies Halted as Pakistani Truckers Strike Govt Ordered Individual Truckers to Stop Private Shipments
India Threatens Revenge Attacks as Kashmir Dispute With Pakistan Grows Two Indian Soldiers Reported Slain in Ambush
In 4 Drone Strikes in A Single Day, US Kills Up to 25 A study by Obama's former counter-terrorism aid finds civilian deaths have been misrepresented