One Attack, Many Versions: US and Pakistan Differ on Deadly Air Raid Pakistan Finding NATO's Stories Difficult to Swallow
Supply Cut Leaves NATO Trucks Stranded in Pakistan Southern Supply Route Severed After NATO Attacks Along Border
Fury in Pakistan After NATO Attack Kills 28 Soldiers Attacks in Mohmand Province Targeted Two Army Bases
10 Contractors Killed in Taliban Attack in Farah Province 10 NATO Vehicles Set on Fire in Attack on Convoy
Medvedev: US Forced NATO Members Into Missile Shield Says Members Told Him They 'Just Supply Our Land'
NATO Kills Six Children in Attack on Kandahar Village NATO Terms Killings 'Unfortunate' and Promises Inquiry
Russian Military Chief: NATO Expansion Raises Risk of Nuclear War NATO's Move East Brings Powers Into Close Proximity
NATO Airstrike Kills 27 ‘Insurgents’ in Eastern Afghanistan Forces Detained a Number of 'Suspects' in Nangarhar