German DM: No Need to Spend as Much on Military as NATO Wants NATO Pushes Spending Hikes, But Where's the Need?
Long War: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Will Mean Years of Steady Escalation Plans Diplomacy to Amass Allies While Slowly Building Up Conflict
Estonian Spy the Latest Flashpoint for a Potential NATO-Russia War Russia, Estonia Differ Over Details of Spy's Detention
NATO Approves 4,000-Man ‘Spearhead’ Force for Eastern Europe 'Rapid Reaction Force' a Permanent Deployment Aimed at Russia
NATO Pledges New Ukraine Military Aid, Debates New Bases Eastern Europe Bases Expected to Be Finalized Friday
Afghan Candidates Vow to Back Continued NATO Occupation Both Promise 'National Unity,' But Details Spotty
NATO Plans ‘Joint Military Exercises’ in War-Torn Ukraine 200 US Combat Troops Heading to Western Ukraine for Operations