Abdullah: Fraudulent Karzai Victory Would Doom US-led War Karzai Supporters See No Need for Run-off Vote
Investigators: 99 Killed in NATO Air Strike in Afghanistan Afghan Govt to Release Report in Next Few Days Over Kunduz Strike
NATO Chief ‘Concerned’ by Rising Opposition to Afghan War Lauds Election as a 'Step Forward,' Claims Progress
Officials: US to Add 14,000 Combat Troops in Afghanistan Escalation Could Be in Addition to Troop Requests From McChrystal
2009: Already NATO’s Deadliest Year in Afghanistan Less Than Eight Months Into the Year, Another Ominous Milestone in Afghanistan
At Least 10 Killed in Latest Kabul Suicide Attack Seven Civilians, Two UN Staffers and a NATO Soldier Slain
Finland Blames ‘Stupid Firemen’ for Nuclear Cargo Ship Rumors Ship Finally Found Off Coast of Cape Verde
Huge Attack on NATO HQ in Kabul Kills at Least Seven Over 90 Wounded as Suicide Bomber Attacks HQ's Front Gate