Relatives of Civilians Slain in NATO Night Raid Threaten Revenge Attacks Survivors Reject US "Blood Money"
Evidence Mounts NATO Report Lied on Afghan Civilian Killings Rear Admiral Smith Admits No Evidence of Claimed 'Firefight'
US Admiral: NATO Not Living Up to Afghan Training Pledges NATO Contributes Less Than Half of Promised Trainers
Karzai to Pay Families for NATO’s December Massacre of Schoolchildren Kunar Raid Killed Nine Innocent Children
Gen. McChrystal Gets More Authority Over Troops in Afghanistan Petraeus Gives McChrystal Operational Authority Over Almost All Troops
Two Thirds of Afghan Police Drop Out Before Training Completed Attrition Claims Many Before They Can Finish A Few Weeks of Training
At Least Six NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan Few Details Given on Series of Attacks Across the Nation
Thousands of US Marines to Remain in Marjah for ‘Several Months’ 'Clear and Hold' Strategy Suddenly Changed to Keep Marines in Farming Community
NATO Poised for Enormous Kandahar Offensive Major City and Surrounding Province to Face Massive Influx of Troops